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Oh What A Blessing / Who'll Be A Witness

Kingdom Land Baptist church was organized by Rev. Herman Colbert in 1969, and the church was still young when this recording was made. The pianist on this recording is church musician Roberta Randall, who is best remembered for her playing on the later recording “I’ll Live On” by Rev. O. W. Bush and the Union Baptist Church Choir, a song that has subsequently been played at many funerals, including her own.

Regarding the talents and vision of his father, Rev. Kennard Bush, who has made tremendous contributions to gospel music in Louisville in his own right, recalls, “Dad hadn’t directed a choir before. He couldn’t play an instrument. He just knew music, knew the parts he wanted to hear, and he could tell you if you got it right or not. One of the guys that sang on the Kingdom Land record is still living, and he talks about my dad's perfectionism. He said, ‘Man, we rehearsed forever, just for two songs.’ My dad just wanted it right. That's just the way he was.”

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