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Trust Him / Get Back Satan

The Gospel Motivators were a small gospel choir of between twelve and twenty singers that was organized by members of the Church of God Sanctified circa 1963. Many of the members had participated in an earlier group, The Gospel Aires. The Motivators were led by pianist and director Wilma Westfield Clayborn who, along with her husband John, would run Grace Gospel Records and Grace Record Store.

The Gospel Motivators recorded three 45s in the roughly ten years they performed together. “Trust Him” features Rev. William “Bud” Frey as the soloist, Clayborn on piano, and Joe Thomas on the organ. The 45 was released on Thomas' Sensational Sounds label in1970. 

In addition to Frey and the Clayborns, founding members of the group were Sylvester Goff, Donald Watkins, Bill Ballard, Riley Fitzpatrick, Laverene Kendril, Patty Frey, Jan Westfield Ballard, Vivian Frey, Frenchie Kyle, Reginald Meeks, Christine Frey Scott, Sandra Frey, Joyce Goff Coleman, and Ann Fitzpatrick. 

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